JUNE 6, 2022
PERSI Re-Employment Benefit
House Bill 555, approved during the 2022 legislative session, allows state agencies to rehire public service (PERSI) retirees who retired before January 1, 2022, without any impact to their retirement benefit. Retirees may be rehired effective April 1, 2022, or after. With the assistance of PERSI, DHR has drafted guidance for agency HR to ensure reemployed retirees are set up correctly. We have also attached an MOU template to utilize when rehiring retirees under this law.
Both the guidance and form can be found on HR Professionals page on the DHR website.
Connect With Us
DHR is excited to share our new social media accounts! Liking and sharing these pages will assist with spotlighting recruitment, highlighting events (like the upcoming State of Idaho Job Fair on June 8), and sharing HR news.
Welcome New DHR Team Members
DHR has filled five new roles that will be imperative in providing the support needed to move forward with HR Modernization! We had outstanding applicants for these positions and were impressed with the talent we were able to interview.
Please join us in welcoming our newest staff (as well as congratulating some already familiar faces) and take a moment to “get to know” them by reading a little more about them.
June HR Shout-Outs!

HR Associate, M.S. HR Development
Amanda Greco, HR Associate, from Lewis-Clark State College, received her M.S. in Human Resource Development from Idaho State University in May 2022. This graduate-level program teaches the principles and practices of learning and development, performance improvement, strategic planning, and leadership. Congratulations, Amanda!

Bryan Etters, HR Specialist, Senior, from the Department of Health and Welfare, completed the certification process to become a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Practitioner in May 2022. Certified MBTI Practitioners have the knowledge, skills, and tools to help others improve their self-awareness and make constructive use of personality differences. Bryan will train others to boost performance and enhance their communication, decision-making, and collaboration. Nice job, Bryan!

HR Specialist, Senior, SHRM-CP
Jen Irgo, HR Specialist, Senior, from the Department of Juvenile Corrections, completed a Society of Human Resources Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) credential in May 2022. The SHRM-CP exam evaluates HR professionals in six areas: people, organization, workplace, interpersonal, business, and leadership. SHRM credential holders are recognized experts and leaders in the HR field with the necessary capabilities in both aspects of HR practice—competencies and knowledge. Way to go, Jen!

Training Specialist, MBTI Practitioner
Kate Nihipali, Training Specialist, from the Department of Health and Welfare, completed the certification process to become a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Practitioner in May 2022. Certified MBTI Practitioners have the knowledge, skills, and tools to help others improve their self-awareness and make constructive use of personality differences. Kate will train others to boost performance and enhance their communication, decision-making, and collaboration. Great work, Kate!

HR Specialist, CIWCS
Nicole Plumb, HR Specialist, from the Idaho State Liquor Division, completed and passed the Certified Idaho Workers’ Compensation Specialist (CIWCS) Program and exam in May 2022. The Idaho Industrial Commission has developed this course with the following curricula: review of statutes and decisions; compensability; claims reporting requirements; medical fee payments and disputes; lump sum settlements (LSS); and change of physician and subrogation. Attendees have a final exam that they must pass with an 85% or higher and will be recognized as Certified Idaho Workers’ Compensation Specialist for a period of three years. Nicely done, Nicole!

HR Specialist, SHRM-CP
Suzanne Perron, HR Specialist at the Division of Veterans Services, completed a Society of Human Resources Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) credential in February 2022. The SHRM-CP exam evaluates HR professionals in six areas: people, organization, workplace, interpersonal, business, and leadership. SHRM credential holders are recognized experts and leaders in the HR field with the necessary capabilities in both aspects of HR practice—competencies and knowledge. Great job, Suzanne!
Please let DHR know if someone on your HR team has recently earned a professional certification or anything else noteworthy. We would love to include additional shout-outs in future First Friday updates!
We want to hear from you!
DHR will continue to send monthly updates, and we would appreciate your input! Please let us know information you would be most interested in receiving each month. Email your suggestions to communications@dhr.idaho.gov.